Hi friend, thanks for being here, I truly mean that.
If you have landed on this page, I can make a bet that you are a passionate OUT-OF-THE-BOXER business or personal brand that values authenticity and creativity. You're my type of human.
I have been helping clients keep their brands looking spicy as a Graphic Designer for 15 years. In that time, I have obviously steadily gained a large client base. This is SO incredible and I am so beyond grateful BUT, this has resulted in having to be really selective on what jobs are taken on in order to not disappoint with time frames.
Over the years many of you have said, why don't you get some help? But in the same breathe you have also said, you only want me to work on your project. So, I think I have come up with a solution.
From October 1st I will be stepping back from Brand Design to really hone in on my systems and procedures and then in JAN 2024, I will be back with a vengeance. From 2024 I will only be taking on Brand Design by application. This is to ensure I don't over commit myself and ALSO that we are a great fit.
At this stage I am now fully booked for 2023 but please apply below to work with me in 2024!
So grateful for you bestie.